Revitalizing strawberry production in Arkansas and the surrounding region via extended season production systems

M.E. Garcia, M.R. Evans, D.A. Dickey, S.D. Frey, M. McGovern, D.T. Johnson, H.G. Rodriguez, K.E. Gibson
Great potential exists to revitalize strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa) production in Arkansas and the surrounding region by empowering local growers and attracting new growers with affordable technologies, modern cultivars, and sustainable growing practices. Through demonstrations and technology-transfer outreach, this project works towards the development of an economically and environmentally sustainable strawberry industry. Growers, extension agents, other agricultural workers, and the public attended workshops, an in-depth school, field days, and participated in other hands-on activities to observe and examine scientifically designed plots where best management practices were implemented. This work focused on evaluating the feasibility of high tunnel, low tunnel, and field production systems for sustainable and organic strawberry production during late fall, winter, and early spring. Primary activities included introducing and discussing new season extension technologies, innovative production methods, new cultivar trials, sustainable pest and fertilization management strategies, risk assessment of food safety, and interactive tools to assist growers in their financial decisions. Impacts of the project are increased consumer awareness and greater demand for locally grown strawberries due to improved availability of off-season products, higher quality fruit production, and greater sustainability in strawberry production. Project activities were documented by professional video recordings and made available for viewing on YouTube.
Garcia, M.E., Evans, M.R., Dickey, D.A., Frey, S.D., McGovern, M., Johnson, D.T., Rodriguez, H.G. and Gibson, K.E. (2016). Revitalizing strawberry production in Arkansas and the surrounding region via extended season production systems. Acta Hortic. 1126, 115-118
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1126.14
Fragaria spp., sustainable agriculture, high tunnel, season extension technologies

Acta Horticulturae