Strategic approaches for research and development of vegetable production in Central Asia and the Caucasus

R. Mavlyanova
After gaining independence in 1991, countries in Central Asia and the Caucasus have been rebuilding their economies along more market-driven lines. National governments have implemented policy reforms to transform agriculture and research, and, as a result of these measures, agricultural production is gradually increasing across the region. Over the past decade, the sown area of vegetables in the region has expanded, to reach 770,881 ha in 2012. Vegetable production increased to more than 20 million t in 2012. Consistent policies to advance food security are needed to address the needs of the 82 million people living in the region. Several constraints hinder market-oriented vegetable production. Although total vegetable production has increased due to an increase in sown area, average yields throughout the region are still low. Vegetable cultivation in the region is seasonal and supplies are erratic. The vegetable seed production system must be re-established. Vegetable research is limited. Policies and strategies to improve crop productivity systems include the sustainable use of vegetable diversity to develop improved, well-adapted cultivars. The introduction of innovative production technologies will increase the yield, quality and safety of vegetables including melons. Developing infrastructure for a year-round vegetable supply can improve consumption and nutrition. A stronger postharvest market chain based on improved handling and processing technologies, standardization and quality certification will enhance export opportunities. AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center collaborates with national agricultural research systems through the Central Asia and Caucasus Regional Network for Vegetable Systems Research and Development to conduct vegetable research and to promote vegetable production.
Mavlyanova, R. (2016). Strategic approaches for research and development of vegetable production in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Acta Hortic. 1128, 35-44
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1128.6
Central Asia and the Caucasus, food security, vegetable production

Acta Horticulturae