Effect of calcium on chilling injury of Anthurium 'Angel' cut flower

A. Ketrodsakul, P. Choosung, P. Penchaiya, M. Buanong
Anthurium cut flowers have a limited vase life due to chilling injury (CI) when flowers are stored at lower temperature. Browning of the spadix was the first appearance of CI symptom in Anthurium 'Angel' flower after 2 days of storage in 4°C. The effect of calcium on chilling injury was investigated by application of 50 mg L-1 calcium chloride (CaCl2) as a holding treatment, compared to 0 ppm CaCl2 (control). Cut flowers were then stored at 4 and 13°C (85-90% RH) throughout the experimental period. The results showed that 'Angle' flowers stored in 4°C developed CI symptom more rapidly than those stored in 13°C. No significant differences were found in water uptake and electrolyte leakage throughout the storage period. Maloniadehyde (MDA) content of 'Angel' flowers slightly increased during the storage period. MDA content in spathe was higher than the content of MDA in spadix. Besides, the activity of Lipoxygenase (LOX) in 4°C slightly increased while that of LOX in 13°C remained stable. Application of CaCl2 did not affect MDA content and LOX activity in both treatments. Calcium contents in spadix and spathe were also measured. Storage temperature affected the content of calcium in both spadix and spathe. It was found that the accumulation of calcium content in spadix was 6-10 times higher than that in spathe of Anthurium flowers stored in 4°C, while the accumulation of calcium content was not significant different in flowers stored at 13°C. Anthurium cut flowers hold in 50 ppm CaCl2 in 4°C had higher calcium content than control flowers. However, application of calcium into the flowers as the vase solution did not delay CI symptom in spadix of Anthurium cut flowers but delayed the browning spot in the spathe to 8 days as compared to the control flowers in which the browning spot occurred in day 4 of storage. The storage life of flowers stored in 4°C was only 4 days in both treated and untreated flowers while flowers treated with DI water and 50 ppm CaCl2 stored in 12°C had 69 and 73 days of storage period.
Ketrodsakul, A., Choosung, P., Penchaiya, P. and Buanong, M. (2016). Effect of calcium on chilling injury of Anthurium 'Angel' cut flower. Acta Hortic. 1131, 65-72
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1131.9
electrolyte leakage, lipoxygenase, maloniadehyde, spadix, spathe, vase solution

Acta Horticulturae