Nuts and Dried Fruit Council - call for research projects

ISHS Secretariat
INC World Forum

The International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) World Forum for Nutrition Research and Dissemination promotes epidemiological, basic, clinic and strategic research that may contribute to enhance the understanding of the health effects of nuts and dried fruits; to promote the production of healthy and safe products; and to produce and disseminate knowledge in accordance with its mission. The INC has a specific wish for cooperative projects that bridge different research areas, as the interaction of disciplines and research groups often lead to new knowledge and understanding of correlations. Furthermore, special emphasis will be placed upon cooperation with industry-related partners.

The INC calls for expression of interests for research projects from public and private institutions, as well as not-for-profit organizations, and encourages cooperative research implying INC associate members.

All Expressions of Interest must be submitted using the Application Form
Applications Due By: 15 March 2013
For questions contact

100,000 EUR is available for the 2013 Research Grant. It will be standard practice to grant up to 50 percent contribution for multi-institutional collaborative projects. Exceptionally, the INC will finance all the expenses for a project whenever the total expenditure does not exceed 50,000 EUR.

2013 Research Priorities:

  • Nuts and cancer
  • Nut consumption and cognitive function
  • Nut consumption and insulin resistance and/or secretion
  • Nut consumption and depression
  • Meta-analysis of clinical trials on nuts
  • Nuts as part of a healthy diet

Since the INC represents 17 fruits, namely almonds, apricot kernels, Amazonia (Brazil) nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts, peanuts, dates, dried apricots, dried cranberries, dried figs, dried grapes and prunes, the Forum prioritizes studies conducted with more than one type of nut or dried fruit.

Irene Gironès
Technical Projects Coordinator
Carrer de la Fruita Seca 4, Polígon Tecnoparc, 43204 Reus, Spain
Phone: +34977331416, Fax: +34977315028,,

dried fruit