Publication date:
March, 2017
Chronica Horticulturae Volume 57 Number 1
Table of Contents:
News & Views from the Board
- ISHS representing all continents of the globe, R. Tao
- Message from the President, R. Drew
Spotlight on Honoured ISHS Members
- Jules Janick
Horticultural Science News
- ISHS student award winner summaries
The World of Horticulture
- Automated disease detection – cutting edge technology available for farmers in India, S. Rupavatharam, C. Schumann, A. Kennepohl and R.K. Dhulipala
- History and current status of grafted vegetables in Turkey, H. Yetisir
- Propagating crotons from leaves, N. Deepa Devi
- New books, websites
- Courses and meetings
Symposia and Workshops
- III All Africa Horticultural Congress
- III International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe
- International Symposia on Tropical and Temperate Horticulture
- XII International Symposium on Flower Bulbs and Herbaceous Perennials
- First International Apple Symposium
- V International Symposium on Lychee, Longan and Other Sapindaceae Fruits
- VI International Symposium on Persimmon
- Hortimodel2016: V International Symposium on Models for Plant Growth, Environment Control and Farming Management in Protected Cultivation
- International Symposium on Sensing Plant Water Status – Methods and Applications in Horticultural Science
- VIII International Postharvest Symposium – Enhancing Supply Chain and Consumer Benefits: Ethical and Technological Issues
News from the ISHS Secretariat
- New ISHS members
- In Memoriam
- Calendar of ISHS events
- Available issues of Acta Horticulturae
- Chronica Horticulturae author information
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