Publication date:
December, 2019

Chronica Horticulturae Volume 59 Number 4
Table of Contents:
News & Views from the Board
- Sharing the wealth, K.E. Hummer
Spotlight on Honoured ISHS Members
- Ted M. DeJong
Horticultural Science Focus
- Which distribution strategy will support new exclusive apple varieties: club, trademark, or free production?, S. Sansavini and R. Gregori
Horticultural Science News
- ISHS Young Minds Award winner summaries
The World of Horticulture
- Breeding of three Andean fruit crops in Ecuador, W. Viera, A. Sotomayor and P. Viteri
- Sustainable irrigation of date palms in the hyper-arid United Arab Emirates: a review, A. Al-Muaini, S. Green, W.A. Abou Dahr, W. Al-Yamani, M. Abdelfattah, R. Pangilinan, I. McCann, A. Dakheel, A.-H. Abdullah, L. Kennedy, S. Dixon, O. Sallam, P. Kemp, M. Dawoud and B. Clothier
- Courses and meetings
- New books, websites
Symposia and Workshops
- XXVI International EUCARPIA Symposium Section Ornamentals: Editing Novelty
- IX International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops
- V International Symposium on Postharvest Pathology
- III International Symposium on Growing Media, Composting, and Substrate Analysis
- II International Symposium on Vegetable Grafting
- First International Symposium on Precision Management of Orchards and Vineyards
- VI International Symposium on Cucurbits
News from the ISHS Secretariat
- New ISHS members
- Calendar of ISHS events
- Index to Volume 59 of Chronica Horticulturae
- Available issues of Acta Horticulturae
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