
Publication date: 
September, 2020

Chronica Horticulturae Volume 60 Number 3
Table of Contents:
News & Views from the Board

  • Coping with the effects of COVID-19, Y. Tüzel
  • Continuation of excellent service to ISHS:
    Mr. Peter Vanderborght, Executive Director - beginning 2019, K. Hummer
  • Some reflection from the Board on why we need the ISHS, S. Nicola


  • We are all in this together: reimagining international societies, N. Keating

Spotlight on Honoured ISHS Members

  • Víctor Galán Saúco


  • Three decades of service to the ISHS - Ir. Jozef Van Assche, Executive Director, 1995-2018, I.J. Warrington

The World of Horticulture

  • Ecuador demonstrates a sustainable way forward for small farmer producers, W. Viera and T. Jackson
  • Genetic data improve management and use of apple genebank collections, G.M. Volk and N.P. Howard
  • Tackling postharvest losses in mango among resourece-poor farmers in Keya, J.L. Ambuko
  • Vegetable seed sector in France, R. Brand, M.-C. Daunay, D. Davlot, R. Kahane and E. Laurent
  • New books, websites

News from the ISHS Secretariat

  • New ISHS members
  • Calendar of ISHS events
  • Available issues of Acta Horticulturae

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A full index of all ISHS Chronica Horticulturae volumes published since the year 1961 can be downloaded here (Microsoft Excel format - includes hyperlinks for downloading each individual issue)