Publication date:
March, 2022
Chronica Horticulturae Volume 62 Number 1
Table of Contents:
News & Views from the Board
- After the pandemic will horticulture be the same?, S. Nicola
- Science New Zealand 2021 Awards Recognise Dr. Jill Stanley
- ISHS governance meetings at IHC2022: important announcements and information
Spotlight on Honoured ISHS Members
- Ryutaro Tao
Horticultural Science News
- ISHS Young Minds Award winner summaries
The World of Horticulture
- Challenges and opportunities of the French apple chain, J.-L. Regnard, C. Coureau, V. Mathieu, B. Gandubert, J. Lussan, F. Aubert, X. Le Clanche, S. Gaborieau, V. Guérin and F. Laurens
- Rose selection in France: a long and beautiful history, J. Clotault, F. Foucher, A. Grapin, L. Hibrand-Saint Oyant, V. Malécot, S. Paillard, A. Pernet, V. Soufflet-Freslon and C. Oghina-Pavie
- New books, websites
- Courses and meetings
Symposia and workshops
- XV International People Plant Symposium and II International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies
- VIII International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture
- V International Conference on Postharvest and Quality Management of Horticultural Products of Interest for Tropical Regions
- V Asia Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Systems
- X International Symposium on Kiwifruit
- III International Organic Fruit Symposium and I International Organic Vegetable Symposium
News from the ISHS Secretariat
- New ISHS members
- Calendar of ISHS events
- Available issues of Acta Horticulturae
- Chronica Horticulturae author information
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