Publication date:
September, 2024

Chronica Horticulturae Volume 64 Number 3
Table of Contents:
News & Views from the Board
- From the cockpit, P.J. Batt
- A concerted drive to increase and retain membership, L. Bertschinger
Note: scroll down for a copy of the new ISHS membership flyers for individuals, students, early career and retired members or check the ISHS membership pages for more details - CABI and the International Society for Horticultural Science agree to a journal publishing partnership from 2025, M. Campbell and Y.-C.A. Chang
- A tissue culture and breeding perspective to boost the ornamental industry, D. Geelen, J.C. Cardoso, M. Juranić, M. Parzymies, S. Saade and M. Beruto
- Is this the end of exclusive arrangements for the sale of fruit produced by a licensee of a protected plant variety?, F. Caruso
Spotlight on Honoured ISHS Members
- Alan Lakso
Horticultural Science Focus
- Innovation in vertical farming, L. Carotti, G. Pennisi and F. Orsini
- Trends and issues in the world of vegetables, M. Wopereis
Horticultural Science News
- ISHS Young Minds Award winner summaries
The World of Horticulture
- AgroEco innovation in action: CH Biotech’s journey from agricultural waste to quality products
- New books, websites
- Courses and meetings
Symposia and workshops
- V All Africa Horticultural Congress (AAHC2024)
- XIV International Symposium on Flower Bulbs and Herbaceous Perennials
- V International Symposium on Woody Ornamentals of the Temperate Zone
- X International Symposium on Plant Nutrition of Fruit Crops
- X International Symposium on Light in Horticulture
- First International Symposium on Apricot and Plum
- XVII International Symposium on Processing Tomato
- UrbanFarm2024 – International Student Challenge
News from the ISHS Secretariat
- New ISHS members
- Calendar of ISHS events
- Available issues of Acta Horticulturae
The ISHS membership magazine Chronica Horticulturae is part of the many ISHS membership privileges. Check your ISHS membership status and manage your ISHS membership here Manage/Renew your membership account if required. Alternatively Apply for Membership if you do not yet hold an ISHS user account. Check out https://www.ishs.org/members to discover all ISHS membership advantages.