Results of a field research to study the effects of biofertilizers applied by ferti-gation on gas exchange, yield and quality parameters of broccoli are reported.
The trial has been carried out in winter period in Valenzano (BA, Southern Italy) on a sandy clay-loam soil.
Three levels of organic fertilization (0, 60 and 120 kg ha-1 of NewFert based on fleshing hydrolyzed, on 4 cultivar of broccoli (Marathon, Lord, Chevalier, Iron), were compared.
For the Marathon was compared also seedlings grown conventionally with seedlings organically grown (Marathon org.). Gas exchange (net assimilation A, transpiration T, stomatal conductance gs), water use efficiency (WUE), yield and quality were detected.
The different fertilizer treatments have not affected significantly yield and quality with the exception of the diameter of the inflorescence which increased with the increase of the dose of biofertilizer and ascorbic acid content that, instead, was reduced. The cultivars showed good qualitative characteristics especially nitrate con-tent that did not exceed 350 mg kg-1 f.w. The most productive cultivar was Chevalier (11.8 t ha-1). Nitrate content was low, particularly in Lord and Marathon (160.9 mg kg-1 f.w.), while a high level of ascorbic acid was recorded for Chevalier and Iron (71.9 mg 100 g-1 f.w.). Chevalier and Iron presented the best characteristics for what concern colour, more green and shiny. The type of seedlings did not result in significant effects on gas exchange, yield and quality.
The different fertilizer treatments have not affected significantly yield and quality with the exception of the diameter of the inflorescence which increased with the increase of the dose of biofertilizer and ascorbic acid content that, instead, was reduced. The cultivars showed good qualitative characteristics especially nitrate con-tent that did not exceed 350 mg kg-1 f.w. The most productive cultivar was Chevalier (11.8 t ha-1). Nitrate content was low, particularly in Lord and Marathon (160.9 mg kg-1 f.w.), while a high level of ascorbic acid was recorded for Chevalier and Iron (71.9 mg 100 g-1 f.w.). Chevalier and Iron presented the best characteristics for what concern colour, more green and shiny. The type of seedlings did not result in significant effects on gas exchange, yield and quality.
Boari, F., Calabrese, N., Renna , M., Cantore , V. and Schiattone , M.I. (2013). EFFECTS OF BIOFERTILIZERS ON GAS EXCHANGE, YIELD AND QUALITY OF SOME BROCCOLI CULTIVARS IN ORGANIC FARMING. Acta Hortic. 1005, 397-404
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2013.1005.47
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2013.1005.47
Brassica oleracea, fertilization, WUE, nitrate, ascorbic acid