Active edible coating is a novel promising approach for extending shelf life of fresh agricultural products.
This method is based on the use of natural components without artificial supplements that is currently a subject of high interest.
Active edible coatings are especially attractive for fresh cut ready to eat products.
Such products represent an expanding area of the food industry that suffers from fast quality deterioration and microbial spoilage.
Methods that enhance quality of fresh cut products and prolong their shelf life are highly desired.
The aim of this research was to enhance the quality of fresh cut Galia-type melons utilizing polysaccharides as coating materials.
Alginate was used as a primary coating component.
The effect of different alginate concentrations on coating thickness and physiological properties of fresh cut melons was studied.
The most successful coating was obtained using 1.5% alginate solution.
To provide antimicrobial protection to the fresh cut melons, modifications of the alginate coating were performed.
In the first case, an antimicrobial additive, citral, was added to the alginate coating solution.
However, no significant antimicrobial properties were noticed.
In the second case, an antimicrobial polysaccharide chitosan was added as a component of the coating matrix.
Chitosan integration resulted in significant antimicrobial protection of the fresh cut melons.
Poverenov, E., Cohen, R., Yefremov, T., Vinokur , Y. and Rodov , V. (2014). EFFECTS OF POLYSACCHARIDE-BASED EDIBLE COATINGS ON FRESH-CUT MELON QUALITY . Acta Hortic. 1015, 145-151
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1015.16
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1015.16
natural biopolymers, active edible coating, melon, quality, safety