Although initially identified almost 50 years ago, Valent BioSciences has recently registered S-abscisic acid (S-ABA) under ConTegoTM SL trade name for use on vegetables.
Over the last ten years, we have been conducting studies using S-ABA on high-value vegetable crops with public and commercial researchers.
The registered commercial uses of ConTego include modulating vegetable transplant height, reducing transplant shock and increasing stress tolerance in the field, and controlling growth of leafy vegetables for improved harvest management.
In this paper, we report results for these uses.
When applied at seedling stage, ConTego effectively reduced the growth rate to provide high quality, sturdy plants for transplanting.
ConTego application in the greenhouse shortly before transplanting resulted in a well-hardened plant that better withstood post-transplanting stress conditions in the field.
In spinach production, ConTego applied before harvest effectively held leaf size at its highest commercial value, i.e., at baby stage, for several days.
The data demonstrates that ConTego provides a new tool in vegetable growers hands that may improve their productivity and profitability.
Racsko, J., Marmor, F., Hopkins, C.R., Petracek, P., Silverman, F.P., Fritts Jr., R., Liu, X., Woolard, D., Lopez, J., Leep, D. and Pienaar, J. (2014). USE OF S-ABSCISIC ACID (CONTEGOTM SL) IN VEGETABLE PRODUCTION. Acta Hortic. 1042, 243-253
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1042.30
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1042.30
spinach, lettuce, tomato, pepper, celery, growth control, transplant shock, harvest management, ABA