Z.W. Wang, M.Z. Zhao, J. Yuan, Y.M. Qian, J. Wang
Twelve F1 hybrid populations were used for discussing the inheritance trend of main fruit characters of strawberry including soluble solid content, fruit firmness, fruit weight, fruit color, flesh color and fruit glossiness. It showed that the genetic pattern of soluble solid content, fruit firmness, fruit weight accorded with the pattern of quantitative character and continuous variation genetic character. The fruit weight in hybrids were widely separated, the average fruit weight of hybrid groups was lower than the mid-parent value. In three progenies the proportion of ultra-high parent was low, less than 10%, but in two progenies the proportion of ultra-high parent was high, 42.68 and 44.44%. The heritability of average combination was 79.21% and the narrow heritability was 1.153. The average fruit firmness of hybrid groups was higher than or similar to the middle of two parents. In eight progenies the proportion of ultra-high parent was more than 33.3%. The heritability of average combination was 108.88% and the narrow heritability was 1.082. The average soluble solid content of hybrid groups was lower than or similar to the mid-parent value. The heritability of average combination was 95.59% and the narrow heritability was 0.865. In full-sib progenies, the highest proportion of fruit color was red and the highest proportion of flesh color was orange-red, and 66.49% fruit was glossy.
Wang, Z.W., Zhao, M.Z., Yuan, J., Qian, Y.M. and Wang, J. (2014). INHERITANCE OF FRUIT CHARACTERS IN THE STRAWBERRY (FRAGARIA ×ANANASSA DUCH.). Acta Hortic. 1049, 225-229
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1049.24
strawberry, inheritance, fruit characters

Acta Horticulturae