Of about 24 recognized wild Fragaria L. taxa throughout the world, 13 are native to China.
Up to now, 285 wild strawberry accessions of 24 species have been collected from all over the world and conserved in Shenyang Agricultural University.
Of 285 accessions, 220 were collected from China.
The taxonomy of 180 accessions native to China has been determined.
Specimens were identified as members of 13 species, including eight diploids: F. nilgerrensis Schlect., F. vesca L., F. mandschurica Staudt, F. daltoniana J. Gay, F. nubicola Lindl., F. chinensis Lozinsk., F. pentaphylla Lozinsk. and F. viridis Duch., and five tetraploids: F. orientalis Lozinsk, F. moupinensis (French.) Card., F. gracilis A. Los., F. corymbosa Lozinsk and F. tibetica Staudt et Dickoré. The distribution of F. tibetica and F. chinensis was clarified in southwestern and western China.
The chromosome numbers, main taxonomical characteristics, such as branching of stolons, type of leaflets, sex of flowers, shapes of fruit, seed and calyx, and geographical distribution in China were described for each species.
An index for the traits of the 13 Chinese Fragaria species is listed.
Several classification questions concerning F. gracilis, F. chinensis, F. mandschurica, F. vesca, F. tibetica and F. orientalis are discussed.
Lei, J.J., Xue, L., Dai , H.P. and Deng, M.Q. (2014). THE TAXONOMY OF CHINESE FRAGARIA SPECIES . Acta Hortic. 1049, 289-294
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1049.37
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1049.37
wild strawberry, Fragaria, classification