Olive producing countries invested largely in high density groves varying from 200 to 550 trees/ha for which no efficient totally mechanized harvesting methodology and technology is available.
Continuous canopy shaking is the obvious approach, not only increasing working capacity but also overcoming the problem of scarce and expensive labour.
The equipment available today follows the over-the-row concept for which tree growth is a limitation.
Large over-the-row olive harvesters, mainly of South American and Australian design, are too heavy and expensive, hardly suitable to the difficult wet soil conditions encountered in the Mediterranean countries.
The side-row concept is the obvious alternative.
Furthermore it tends to be simpler and less expensive, meaning lower purchase running costs.
In 2009 a research project was set to develop such technology.
The equipment comprises two symmetrical harvesters that follow a tree row one at each side.
Each harvester is a trailed type structure towed by a farm tractor which also drives the harvest hydraulic power pack.
A second operator controls the harvest through electro-hydraulic controls.
A vibratory rotor with flexible rods detaches fruits which are collected at a catching platform.
Fruits are conveyed to a temporary storage bag which is hydraulically lowered to the ground when full.
The row side of the harvester is bordered along the edge by flexible synthetic interface with the tree trunk.
The prototype was given a two harvesting campaign trial and the basic concept is now set.
This paper gives an account of the project and describes the technical challenges for the next stage of translating the prototype into a viable product for the market.
Peça, J.O., Dias, A.B., Pinheiro, A., Cardoso, V., Reynolds de Souza, D. and Falcão, J.M. (2014). SIDE-ROW CONTINUOUS CANOPY SHAKING HARVESTER FOR INTENSIVE OLIVE ORCHARDS. Acta Hortic. 1057, 391-397
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1057.48
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1057.48
high density olive groves, olive harvesting, canopy shaking