Antonio López-García, Javier Terol, Francisco R. Tadeo, Amparo Herrero-Ortega, Victoria Ibañez, Manuel Talón
In recent years we have generated various collections of citrus mutants. One objective of these collections is the selection of genotypes of commercial interest. In the present communication we describe 3 lines derived from clementine (Citrus clementina) through physical mutagenesis, named ‘Clemenverd’, ‘Nero’ and ‘Neufina’. These lines that show enhanced agronomic traits as related to the parental genotype have been registered. ‘Clemenverd’ shows delayed external maturation. ‘Nero’ is an early cultivar of seedless clementine that maintains the excellence of clementine quality. On the other hand, ‘Neufina’ holds well into February the commercial organoleptic qualities of the parental cultivar. ‘Neufina’ also has excellent perdurability in the tree, making it an ideal option to extend the supply of clementines during winter.
Antonio López-García, , Javier Terol, , Francisco R. Tadeo, , Amparo Herrero-Ortega, , Victoria Ibañez, and Manuel Talón, (2015). THREE NEW CULTIVARS OF CLEMENTINE: 'CLEMENVERD', 'NERO' AND 'NEUFINA'. Acta Hortic. 1065, 239-243
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1065.26
acidity, Brix, color, fruit quality

Acta Horticulturae