Víctor M. Medina-Urrutia, Marciano M. Robles-González, Miguel Á. Manzanilla-Ramírez, Jose J. Velázquez-Monreal, Jaime E. Reyes-Hernández
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of different citrus types used as interstocks between ‘Mexican’ lime scion and Alemow (Mac) rootstock on growth, yield, and efficiency on fruit production of lime trees. Fifteen trifoliate types and hybrids, three mandarins and three other citrus species were used as interstocks and compared to the control ‘Mexican’ lime/Mac. Canopy volume, perimeter of trunk, surface area covered by canopy and yield and yield efficiency were recorded starting at the second year of the plantation. Some interstocks improved the performance of ‘Mexican’ lime trees in comparison to the control. ‘Shekwasha’ mandarin, ‘C-35’ and ‘Benton’ citrange interstocks developed vigorous trees and were similar or more productive than control trees. ‘Morton’, ‘Benecke’ and ‘Pomeroy’ trifoliate oranges, and Severinia buxifolia showed a moderated effect on tree growth. ‘Flying Dragon’ and ‘Hiryu’ trifoliate oranges performed as dwarfing interstocks and consistently produced up to 80 kg/tree during the first period of three years (2 to 4 years) and 130 kg/tree from the fifth to seventh year. Both ‘Flying Dragon’ and ‘Hiryu’ interstocks developed the smaller tree size. Dwarfing trees were appropriated to establish higher planting densities up to 600 trees/ha. Many interstocks surpassed the assigned area to growth (24 m2) after the 7th year. Tree canopies of ‘Flying Dragon’ and ‘Hiryu’ began to overlap after 10 years. Considering the endemic problem of HLB affecting lime orchards, this study provides results that may be useful to coexist productively with this disease in ‘Mexican’ lime orchards. Dwarfing trees resulted in an estimated production of 70 t/ha/year in HLB-free conditions during the period from second to seventh year. Assuming that HLB may cause an annual loss of 20% of trees since the third year, dwarfing interstocks trees at high density plantations is expected to produce yields up to 30 or 40 t ha-1 during nine years.
Víctor M. Medina-Urrutia, , Marciano M. Robles-González, , Miguel Á. Manzanilla-Ramírez, , Jose J. Velázquez-Monreal, and Jaime E. Reyes-Hernández, (2015). INTERSTOCKS IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE OF 'MEXICAN' LIME ON CITRUS MACROPHYLLA ROOTSTOCK IN CALCAREOUS SOIL . Acta Hortic. 1065, 335-343
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1065.40
Citrus aurantifolia, high planting densities, growth, yield, Huanglongbing, Poncirus trifoliate

Acta Horticulturae