W. Wang, H. Hao, Q. Bai, P. Qi, S. Su, X. Fu, F. Chen
Pistacia chinensis Bunge, in China, holds an important role in economic, social and landscape benefits. This species is recorded to be a dioecious plant, with both staminate and pistillate inflorescence conical shaped. This study aimed to assess the different types of flowers and sexual types of P. Chinensis and to test the fertility of both male and female gametophytes. Results revealed for the first time the existence of monoecious trees in Tang County Hebei Province, China. Three types of inflorescences were found: staminate and pistillate inflorescences growing on different branches of the same tree; staminate and pistillate inflorescences growing on the same branch but belonging to different inflorescence buds; staminate and pistillate inflorescence formed from the same inflorescence bud. Four types of inflorescence were observed: staminate and pistillate flowers in single sex inflorescences, mixed inflorescences, hermaphrodite flowers, single-sex flowers and hermaphrodite flowers forming an inflorescence. Artificial crossings showed that pollen and ovary of monoecious types were fertile. Crossings between one male tree and monoecious trees used as female parents produced bigger fruits than those obtained when female tree was used as female parent. These preliminary results are of great importance for orchards establishment and should be further explored for their potential in breeding programmes.
Wang, W., Hao, H., Bai, Q., Qi, P., Su, S., Fu, X. and Chen, F. (2015). HERMAPHRODITISM AND FERTILITY IN PISTACIA CHINENSIS BUNGE. Acta Hortic. 1074, 129-133
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1074.19
monoecious, inflorescence, fertilization

Acta Horticulturae