What do you need to know about branding to help your nursery or public garden? Youll learn what a brand is and how to communicate your brand.
As consumers we spend a lifetime buying branded products from clothing to food to laundry soap and cars most of us are influenced by brand messages. As an industry we in the ornamental horticulture space have traditionally gotten away with less marketing. Many of us on the plant production side lived through decades of year over year growth for ornamental plant products. It has only been in recent years with declining demand for many plant products that many are open to the idea of marketing as a tool to sell more plants.
As consumers we spend a lifetime buying branded products from clothing to food to laundry soap and cars most of us are influenced by brand messages. As an industry we in the ornamental horticulture space have traditionally gotten away with less marketing. Many of us on the plant production side lived through decades of year over year growth for ornamental plant products. It has only been in recent years with declining demand for many plant products that many are open to the idea of marketing as a tool to sell more plants.
Scullin, L. (2015). BRANDING HOW-TO FOR NURSERIES AND PUBLIC GARDENS©. Acta Hortic. 1085, 195-196
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1085.31
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1085.31