M. Windham
Rose rosette is caused by rose rosette virus (RRV) which is transmitted by the eriophyid mite Phyllocoptes fructiphilus. Rose rosette was first observed in 1940 in Manitoba, Canada and in California and Wyoming in 1941. The disease has become widespread in regions of north-central, south-central and southeast USA. The incidence of rose rosette has grown exponentially in cultivated roses in the mid-South USA due to increased use of mass plantings of shrub roses in residential and commercial landscapes.
All cultivated roses (shrub type, hybrid tea, floribunda, grandiflora, and miniature roses) are thought to be susceptible to the disease. Other roses reported to be susceptible are: Rosa woodsii, R. bracteata, and R. rubiginosa (syn. R. eglanteria).
Many articles have been written on rose rosette and described the variable symptoms associated with the disease. However, few articles have offered management strategies for combating the disease other than rogueing symptomatic plants. In the few cases where control recommendations have been made (such as the use of miticides); the recommendations were based on observations made for other virus diseases of roses or on virus diseases and/or eriophyid mites on other crops. Published research that has investigated methods for managing rose rosette in different aspects of rose culture (propagation and production nurseries, retail centers, landscape beds, etc.) is limited.
Windham, M. (2015). UNRAVELLING ROSE ROSETTE©. Acta Hortic. 1085, 409-413
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1085.84

Acta Horticulturae