My wife Claire and I have a small nursery.
It is not big and grand, more like small and pokey.
But it is profitable relative to its size.
A big turnover is not important to me what matters is a profit, because no business big or small will last long without a profit.
Our nursery is located on State Highway 3 in central Te Awamutu in the South Waikato (Fig. 1). The property is less than 2 acres; about a quarter acre out the back is waste land, so the nursery only uses about 1½ acres.
A few years ago we sold wholesale and retail but now it is almost only retail. Our retail customers come from all over the Waikato and beyond, but primarily from south of us, including from as far away as Taupo, the Ruapehu area, and New Plymouth. We do not advertise. All we do is arrive at work, open the gate, and make it up as we go along.
A few years ago we sold wholesale and retail but now it is almost only retail. Our retail customers come from all over the Waikato and beyond, but primarily from south of us, including from as far away as Taupo, the Ruapehu area, and New Plymouth. We do not advertise. All we do is arrive at work, open the gate, and make it up as we go along.
Ward, D. (2015). PROFIT, NOT TURNOVER©. Acta Hortic. 1085, 45-52
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1085.9
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1085.9