B. Jones
The name, New Jersey tea (Ceanothus americanus) was coined during the American Revolution. The leaves were boiled and used as a substitute for tea. From personal experience, as we boil the seed prior to planting, the aroma smells of tea. One problem we have in the native plant business is finding liners that are not too large. Ceanothus americanus has a maximum height of 1 m (~3 ft) and is drought resistant. It is an early-to mid-summer bloomer.
As the demand of this plant became apparent to us, we were determined to figure out how to best grow it. We certainly could not find a nursery growing liners, as is the case with other plants we grow. We originally brought some to the nursery from a plant rescue that took place in Henderson County, North Carolina. Those original 20 plants sold quickly. So, as we have with many plants at Carolina Native we asked the question: to propagate by seed or cuttings? Which was going to be quickest method to get a good quality plant in the most cost effective timeframe? We have expertise in both methods, where to look for research, and the patience to do it.
Jones, B. (2015). PROPAGATION AT CAROLINA NATIVE NURSERY©. Acta Hortic. 1085, 459-461
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1085.93

Acta Horticulturae