D.G. Malan
The wider world of Protea cultivation is consistently expanding in terms of the countries where Protea is being produced, as evidenced by a steady increase in participating countries at conferences. Reports from traditional cultivation areas other than South Africa mainly indicate stagnation or a decrease in production, or failure of seemingly initially very successful projects. South Africa however is currently going through its third wave of increased production, from 400 ha by the late 1990s, to 800 ha by 2008, and now 1,200 ha of intensively cultivated Protea. This talk highlights probable reasons for the lack of growth elsewhere, and investigates likely reasons and possible routes for the continued expansion of South African Protea cultivation.
Malan, D.G. (2015). BREAKING THE EXOTIC MOULD. Acta Hortic. 1097, 25-31
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1097.2
Protea, history, development, breakthrough, cultivation, barrier

Acta Horticulturae