T. Laaksoharju, T. Kaivola, L. Lindén, E. Rappe
Contact with nature is vital to all people. However, children’s opportunities to real natural experiences are particularly diminished in urban areas. In this study, we explored what was the role and meaning of trees for 7- to 10-year-old children in their free time. Research methods included participatory action research, non-participatory observation, and informal interviews in a garden summer camp. Results showed that the children used trees to fulfill their needs: to show or to improve their competence, and to relax and rest. In addition, they expressed affection by personalizing trees in a devotional way, and nature inspired children’s imagination with various materials. According to our results, children use trees in ways which benefit their development. City planners and educators should take into account the affordances that trees provide for children when planning and renovating living areas.
Laaksoharju, T., Kaivola, T., Lindén, L. and Rappe, E. (2015). THE ROLE OF TREES FOR SUBURBAN CHILDREN . Acta Hortic. 1099, 967-971
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1099.123
free time activities, garden camp, nature play

Acta Horticulturae