Improving landscape or care for the environment is a very broad concept of course in the connection with grant programs.
This paper (in connection with gardening and landscape architecture) deals with regeneration of green that can be addressed in the open countryside and also in urban spaces.
The national and European possibilities of financing improving landscape in the Czech Republic can be used for example by municipalities, cities, regions, non-profit organizations, schools, individuals. Kláptóvá and Svobodová (in Meier, 2012) write that scope, content and volume of grant programs are changing in a relatively short time period. Examples of actual grant programs in the field of improving landscape in the case of local action group MAS Via Rustica concrete example of the microregion Straitě area are The Operational Programme Environment, Regional Operational Programme NUTS II South-East, The Vysočina Fund, Program of care for landscape, Program for Rural Development, Support of Rural Rehabilitation and Development and the foundations grant support. Currently, the preparation for the programming period after 2013 is being completed.
At this time the development of so called participatory (community) planning is evident in the Czech Republic. Currently, the calls for grants accent public participation as a condition for support and the applicants (municipalities, non-profit organizations, schools, private entrepreneur) begin to trust the system. This is mainly the foundations and their grant support that wants to improve relations in community and then peoples relationship to the environment. This article attempts in an example of case studies to confirm the hypothesis that participation of public (in any form) is positively reflected on the quality of public spaces and any other improving of landscape.
The author of this paper describes own experience of landscape design and with public participation in the process of improving the environment. Results are based not only on the basis of education in the field of landscape architecture, but also in sociology and psychology.
Case studies show that the greater public involvement in landscape improvement leads to more care about the environment. This stems from a sense of ownership and responsibility, which are created in people during participation in the process. Success of common planning or realization depends on a lot of aspects, for example organization, financial page, local publics mentality, habits and relationships.
The national and European possibilities of financing improving landscape in the Czech Republic can be used for example by municipalities, cities, regions, non-profit organizations, schools, individuals. Kláptóvá and Svobodová (in Meier, 2012) write that scope, content and volume of grant programs are changing in a relatively short time period. Examples of actual grant programs in the field of improving landscape in the case of local action group MAS Via Rustica concrete example of the microregion Straitě area are The Operational Programme Environment, Regional Operational Programme NUTS II South-East, The Vysočina Fund, Program of care for landscape, Program for Rural Development, Support of Rural Rehabilitation and Development and the foundations grant support. Currently, the preparation for the programming period after 2013 is being completed.
At this time the development of so called participatory (community) planning is evident in the Czech Republic. Currently, the calls for grants accent public participation as a condition for support and the applicants (municipalities, non-profit organizations, schools, private entrepreneur) begin to trust the system. This is mainly the foundations and their grant support that wants to improve relations in community and then peoples relationship to the environment. This article attempts in an example of case studies to confirm the hypothesis that participation of public (in any form) is positively reflected on the quality of public spaces and any other improving of landscape.
The author of this paper describes own experience of landscape design and with public participation in the process of improving the environment. Results are based not only on the basis of education in the field of landscape architecture, but also in sociology and psychology.
Case studies show that the greater public involvement in landscape improvement leads to more care about the environment. This stems from a sense of ownership and responsibility, which are created in people during participation in the process. Success of common planning or realization depends on a lot of aspects, for example organization, financial page, local publics mentality, habits and relationships.
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1099.125
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1099.125
grant programs, public participation, community, landscape architecture, sustainable development
- Commission Banana
- Division Temperate Tree Fruits
- Division Physiology and Plant-Environment Interactions of Horticultural Crops in Field Systems
- Division Vine and Berry Fruits
- Division Tropical and Subtropical Fruit and Nuts
- Division Temperate Tree Nuts
- Division Horticulture for Human Health
- Division Ornamental Plants
- Division Protected Cultivation and Soilless Culture
- Division Vegetables, Roots and Tubers