P. Navarro, S. Manzano, M. Jamilena, F.J. Fernández-Maldonado, J.R. Gallego, T. Cabello
The South American tomato pinkworm – Tuta absoluta – was accidentally introduced to Spain from its area of origin in 2006. Later, it was expanded to other European countries and the Mediterranean basin, causing a serious problem in tomato crops outdoors and in greenhouses. Several methods with varying success have been developed for its control, including insecticides, native natural enemies, agronomic methods, pheromone traps, etc. Nevertheless, there is little information regarding sources of resistance to this pest in tomato, especially among traditional cultivars. In the present paper we have evaluated the resistance to T. absoluta in Spanish landraces of tomato by using two different approaches. Firstly, 39 tomato landraces were cultured in the experimental station of the University of Almeria during spring 2011, and their resistance evaluated under natural infestation, according to a subjective scale of damages. On the base of damage levels, 4 cultivars were selected for further analysis in the laboratory, determining the attraction for oviposition of adult females (antixenosis), as well as the larval mortality on leaves (antibiosis). Significant differences for oviposition preferences of adult females (F=3.645, d.f.=3, P<0.05), but not for the larval mortality have been detected among the four genotypes. Although two of the Spanish landraces appear to have a source of resistance to T. absoluta, further analyses will be required to determine the genetic control of the trait in the two genotypes, the molecular mechanisms behind them, and their possible utilization in future tomato breeding programs.
Navarro, P., Manzano, S., Jamilena, M., Fernández-Maldonado, F.J., Gallego, J.R. and Cabello, T. (2015). EVALUATION OF RESISTANCE TO THE PEST TUTA ABSOLUTA (MEYRICK) (LEP.: GELECHIIDAE) IN SPANISH TOMATO LANDRACES. Acta Hortic. 1099, 761-764
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1099.95
tomato landraces, Tuta absoluta, South American tomato pinkworm, antixenosis, antibiosis

Acta Horticulturae