DNA marker-assisted identification of Prunus accessions
Considerable efforts have been made to provide gene bank accessions with DNA-based identification profiles, especially for expensive collections that are maintained in the field like fruit trees.
We have recently genotyped 52 cherry accessions and 73 plum accessions with SSR markers.
Several synonyms were found among the plum accessions, many of which had been collected in the countryside in Norway without any documentation of genetic origin.
By contrast, the cherry samples had been obtained from established gene bank collections.
Nevertheless, less than 60% of the investigated cherry trees were correctly labeled.
The highest proportion of suspected mislabelings was found among the sweet cherries.
For both the plums and the cherries, parentage could be verified in some cases where both parent and offspring cultivars were analyzed.
Sehic, J., Nybom, H., Hjeltnes, S.-H. and Gasi, F. (2015). DNA marker-assisted identification of Prunus accessions. Acta Hortic. 1101, 153-158
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1101.23
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1101.23
cherry, gene bank, microsatellite DNA, plum, SSR