Study on the correlation of pH, soluble sugar and anthocyanin concentrations in different genotypes of Chinese kale

H. Liu, R. Li, S. Song, R. Chen, G. Sun
The relationship between anthocyanin concentration, pH and sugar concentration in the flower stalk of Chinese kale (Brassica alboglabra LSQUOBaileyRSQUO) was examined. F1 plants were obtained by reciprocal crossing of two Chinese kale cultivars ['HongjiaoRSQUO (amaranthine flower stalks) and LSQUOZhonghuaRSQUO (green flower stalks)], and F2 progeny were generated by self-crossing of F1 plants. Correlations between pH, soluble sugar and anthocyanin concentration in flower stalk of different genotypes were then analysed. The results showed that the pH of the epidermis in the flower stalks of LSQUOHongjiaoRSQUO, LSQUOZhonghuaRSQUO, and their respective F1 and F2 progeny were all lower than pH 7. The anthocyanin concentrations differed between different genotypes. Positive correlations were recorded between anthocyanin concentrations and pH in the epidermis of flower stalks, and between the anthocyanin concentrations and the soluble sugar concentrations in leaves and flower stalks.
Liu, H., Li, R., Song, S., Chen, R. and Sun, G. (2015). Study on the correlation of pH, soluble sugar and anthocyanin concentrations in different genotypes of Chinese kale. Acta Hortic. 1106, 19-24
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1106.4
Brassica alboglabra, flower stalk, anthocyanin, pH, soluble sugar

Acta Horticulturae