New developments in tropical viticulture under monsoon climate
Until 30 years ago, most experts considered Vitis vinifera, or common grape vine, unsuitable for cultivation under tropical monsoon conditions.
Today there exist some 125,000 ha of vines in India and South-East Asia.
Tropical viticulture faces certain obstacles.
The successful establishment of tropical viticulture is therefore based on a number of advancements, most notably: the development of specific pruning and training systems, selection of grape cultivars for short day conditions, breeding of vigorous rootstock cultivars with high fungus and water logging resistance, application of bud-break ingredients, growth regulators/phytohormones and a substantially expanded know-how accessible through specialised working groups and consultants.
An important new development in this respect is the testing and introduction of a new generation of PIWIs, or fungus tolerant/resistant grape varieties, which are considered a largely unexploited potential for sustainable viticulture in the tropics.
Besides grape production, special PIWI cultivars also allow all year round production of pesticide residue free grape leaves for food and beverage processing.
Schaefer, W.W. (2016). New developments in tropical viticulture under monsoon climate. Acta Hortic. 1115, 195-202
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1115.29
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1115.29
Vitis vinifera, two season-one crop, shortage of light, growth regulators, phytohormones, PIWI fungus tolerant cultivars, grape leaf production