Studies on diversity in ber cultivars under North-West sub-tropical conditions of India

J.S. Bal, R.S. Boora
More than 125 ber cultivars are grown in India which has been developed by selection in different regions. At PAU, Ludhiana, 42 ber cultivars and at its Fruit Research Station, Patiala, 52 cultivars were screened and evaluated for many years for different vegetative and fruit characters. Some cultivars are preferred for their early or late ripening quality, while some are liked for the amount and quality of fruit pulp. In sub-tropical conditions of North India, great diversity was observed between ber cultivars which are cultivated in different ber growing areas. The most important popularly cultivated cultivars of North-West plains are 'Umran', 'Sanaur-2' and 'Wallaiti'. The fruit size and weight was observed maximum in 'Umran' (4.9×3.4 cm) and 'Sanaur-2' (4.4×3.1 cm). 'Illaichi' cultivar bear small sized (2.2×1.9 cm) fruits. The colour of the ber fruits at maturity in different cultivars varied from greenish yellow in 'Kaithali' to deep golden yellow in 'Umran'. The fruit yield was observed higher in 'Umran' (150-200 kg tree-1), 'Sanaur-2' and 'ZG-2' cultivars. 'Wallaiti' and 'Seo' ripens early (first fortnight of March) while 'Umran' and 'Chinese' are late ripening (end-March to mid-April). The commercial cultivar 'Umran' is susceptible to powdery mildew disease but it can be controlled effectively by giving timely spray of Bayleton/Karathane. Total soluble solids in ber cultivars ranged from 13% ('ZG-2') to 18-19% ('Sanaur-2'). Ber cultivars are good source of vitamin C content which was estimated 86-135 mg 100 g-1 of pulp in different cultivars. Total sugars were recorded higher in 'Sanaur-2' (12.4%). 'Dandan' registered lower total sugars and cultivar is considered suitable for diabetic patients. 'Umran' is rated best commercial cultivar for growing in North-West sub-tropical climate of India. 'Sanaur-2' and 'Wallaiti' are suitable for growing in kitchen gardening.
Bal, J.S. and Boora, R.S. (2016). Studies on diversity in ber cultivars under North-West sub-tropical conditions of India. Acta Hortic. 1116, 55-60
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1116.9
ber, cultivars, diversity, area and production, performance

Acta Horticulturae