Use of non-destructive devices to support pre- and postharvest fruit management
The ripening stage reached by fruits at harvest is linked to fruit quality traits at consumption and also influences postharvest storage length and fruit disease susceptibility.
As a result, defining the proper ripening stage for harvest becomes extremely important.
In addition, reducing fruit ripening heterogeneity in the field and packing house can inform the storage strategy and marketing decisions.
Finally, monitoring of fruit ripening changes during cold storage is also essential.
Reported here are results obtained in the last years with non-destructive devices that allow the definition of a new ripening index(Index of Absorbance Difference - IAD).The IAD can follow fruit ripening along the supply chain: in the field using the DA-meter, in packing house with the DA-head, a stationary device, and during cold storage with the difference absorbance fruit logger (DAFL).
Costa, G., Vidoni, S. and Rocchi, L. (2016). Use of non-destructive devices to support pre- and postharvest fruit management. Acta Hortic. 1119, 329-335
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1119.45
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1119.45
difference absorbance, IAD, DA-meter, DA-head, DAFL