There are many studies and evidences that some chemicals and growth regulators have a promoting effects on seed germination in many crops. The purpose of the study was to learn the effects of chemicals and growth regulators on the germination of hot pepper seeds and if possible to bring out a practical solution.
This study was carried out on cultivar Aci-Sivri-48–4 of Capsicum annum L. which is a standard commercial hot pepper variety. International Seed Testing Association rules were used for germination and observation tests.
The chemicals used were potassium salts, thiourea, sodium hypochlorite and growth regulators indoleacetic acid, naphthalene acetic acid, gibberellin acid, kinetin and ethephon which most of them known effects on germination of seeds.
As a result of this study, it has been demonstrated that some chemicals and growth regulators have effect on rupture of seeds coats of hot peppers and this caused high percentage of germination. The effects of chemicals and growth regulators depend upon the species like many other crops. It means certain group of chemicals and growth regulators only effective on certain crops.
Among the chemicals potassium salt and sodium hypochlorite were most effective and seconder potassium salt increased seed germination 59 percent. As far as growth regulators are concerned gibberellin acid, indoleacetic acid and kinetin were most effective among the others and gibberellin acid increased hot pepper seed germination 92 percent.
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1981.111.18