Producing of the Allium porrum in Macedonia is taking a second place, immediately after the onion.
But, the problem is how to receive the better quality of seed with the less manual effort, what was the purpose of this investigation.
The experiment was performed in the region of Ovce Pole since 1974, 1975 and 1976 under ordained conditions.
Here were investigated five ways of preservation on roots for producing of the seed and its ability, related to the yield of the seed per an unit of area.
The ways used in this experiment were following:
- Classic with plucking roots and its planting on the new area during the spring.
- Without any intervention (leave plants on the field to hibernate).
- Later planting (for about one month) on the small roots (by the seedling).
- Covering on the seed-grain (10–15 cm) on the fixed place.
- Cutting-shortaging of plants on about 10 cm (above soil's area) and its covering.
According to obtained results, could be say that the best variant is fourth one, which compared with the control has the yield 502:486.8 kg/ha or the average seed per the plant 7.08 g.
Characteristicly at this way is that the percentage of the freezing at the seed-grain is high (42.5), but the total yield and the economy of production are advantageable for receiving of the seed at the sort "Domasen dolg".
Cirkova-Georgijevska, M. and Tudzarov, T. (1981). PRODUCING ON THE SEED FROM ALLIUM PORRUM. Acta Hortic. 111, 217-218
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1981.111.30
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1981.111.30