How horticultural farmers in Balochistan benefited from the 'reform' value chain approach

M. Iqbal
Most agricultural improvement projects concentrate nearly solely on production as the vehicle to improve livelihoods. Using the reform approach of value chain analyses, the Balochistan Agricultural Project in Pakistan concentrated on "the bit in the middle" that links "production" to "marketing". By improving harvesting techniques, packaging, postharvest preservation, logistics, and a suite of marketing and business skills, the Project has produced significant income increases for the ProjectRSQUOs grapes, apples and melon producers.
Iqbal, M. (2016). How horticultural farmers in Balochistan benefited from the 'reform' value chain approach. Acta Hortic. 1120, 261-266
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1120.39
livelihoods, value chain, reform approach, pie, the-bit-in-the-middle, improved practices, margins, value creation, refractometer, postharvest losses

Acta Horticulturae