Effect of postharvest temperature and packaging on qualitative traits in strawberry

C. Nicoletto, S. Bonato, S. Santagata, G. Zanin, P. Sambo
Strawberry has antioxidant and nutraceutical properties beneficial for human health and is appreciated by the consumer. As part of the many issues that distinguish this fruit, the postharvest management turns out to be one of the most important in terms of both shelf-life and quality/nutritional product properties. In this paper, several parameters were evaluated in strawberry to understand how they are influenced by innovative packaging and different storage temperatures. Strawberries 'Elsanta', were stored unpackaged or packaged in polypropylene bags (PP) with different numbers of microperforations (MP) (0 or 6 MP) and stored at three different temperatures (4, 10 or 18°C). Dry matter, pH, titratable acidity, electrical conductivity, sugars, color, vitamin C, antioxidant capacity, total phenols, flavonoids and phenolic acids were evaluated. Oxygen (O2) and CO2 concentrations were also monitored. Conservation at a temperature of 4°C gave the best result, maintaining the quality characteristic and especially reducing the respiration rate and decay. Temperature, if combined with MP packaging, stabilized gas exchange increasing shelf-life. The packaging with 6 MP, coupled to an appropriate temperature of 4°C, allowed the extension of the shelf-life by five days reducing the dehydration of the product by 50% and retaining the qualitative properties.
Nicoletto, C., Bonato, S., Santagata, S., Zanin, G. and Sambo, P. (2016). Effect of postharvest temperature and packaging on qualitative traits in strawberry. Acta Hortic. 1120, 303-310
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1120.46
antioxidant, phenols, vitamin C, phenolic acids, sugars, storage

Acta Horticulturae