Use of plant extracts and essential oils in modern plant protection

V. Sergeeva
World standards have become less tolerant of toxic pesticide residues, especially regarding fruit and vegetables. The plant kingdom is the storage centre for diversified secondary metabolites that are synthesized by the plants themselves and used as defensive weapons against pest attack. Plant essential oils exhibit biological activity against a wide spectrum of plant pests and may act as repellents and deterrents/antifeedants, fumigants, contact insecticides, attractants as well as potentially affecting their growth rate and reproduction.
Sergeeva, V. (2016). Use of plant extracts and essential oils in modern plant protection. Acta Hortic. 1125, 361-368
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1125.47
essential oils, cooking oils, biopesticides, pest control, commercialization

Acta Horticulturae