Mobilizing natural processes to increase nitrogen availability in organic apricot orchards

M. Millan, A. Garcin, R. Chereau, L. Gehant
In a context of lower crop productivity in organic farming compared to conventional farming, fruit production has to become ecologically intensive in order to improve yield but, at the same time, limit dependence on off-farm inputs, particularly the pesticides used in organic farming, organic fertilizers and fossil energies. An organic apricot orchard was established with the aim of promoting natural processes in the soil as well as in the tree by acting in both time and space. The initial results suggest new possibilities for improving soil fertility without off-farm inputs by using locally available resources: green manure legume crops, crop waste and crop residues after harvest for making compost.
Millan, M., Garcin, A., Chereau, R. and Gehant, L. (2016). Mobilizing natural processes to increase nitrogen availability in organic apricot orchards. Acta Hortic. 1137, 87-90
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1137.13
organic farming, agroecology, Prunus armeniaca, legume, Ramial Chipped Wood, compost, biochar

Acta Horticulturae