Characterization of guava plants belonging to a germplasm bank and cultivated in an organic system
Guava is one of many farmed species that has high genetic diversity.
With the increased demand for organic products, the research sector is thus paying greater attention to and attempting to solve problems involved in the production process.
The objective of the present work was to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of guava tree accessions belonging to a germplasm bank in order to identify materials with a commercial potential for use in organic systems.
The production was calculated by counting the number of fruits per plant.
The following assessments were made to evaluate the fruits' physical characteristics: fruit mass; longitudinal and transversal fruit diameter; pulp firmness; and peel and pulp coloration.
The parameters evaluated to assess the fruits' chemical characteristics were: soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, and ascorbic acid ratio and content.
Generally speaking, the production of all guava accessions was lower than that reported in publications concerning commercial orchards.
The accessions presented average, quite heterogeneous fruit mass, between 12.53 to 208.51 g.
Depending on the shape criteria for fruits, piriformis or round, the accessions IAC-4, Monte Alto White, IAC-4-Cica and Campos could be used by the industry and for fresh consumption, whereas the other accessions could be used for fresh consumption alone.
For fresh consumption, the accessions Kioshi 1 and Taquaritinga Common are worth mentioning since they are good-sized fruits (<100 g) and firm, an important feature for transportation and marketing.
They also have good ascorbic acid content and good soluble solids content (approximately 9 °Brix) and low acidity, with approximately 0.5% of citric acid, a piriformis shape, rough skin and a desirable skin and pulp color.
Another accession that deserves attention is LSQUOEEF-3RSQUO due to its high ascorbic acid content (269.7 mg 100
g-1) that can be used in breeding programs.
Galli, J.A., Michelotto, M.D., Soares, M.B.B., Martins, A.L.M., Palharini, M.C. de A. and Fischer, I.H. (2016). Characterization of guava plants belonging to a germplasm bank and cultivated in an organic system. Acta Hortic. 1137, 213-218
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1137.30
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1137.30
Psidium guajava, yield, mass, brix, ascorbic acid