Fruit quality of banana cultivars grown in Norte Fluminense Region, Brazil

D.J. Calenzani Petri, R.L. Brochado, P.G. de O. Pessanha, P.C. dos Santos, A.V. de Oliveira, J.G. de Oliveira, A.J.C. de Carvalho
Despite the large number of banana cultivars, a few of them have agronomic potential for commercial exploitation with high productivity and fruit quality. It is known that only high-quality fruit, without pests, diseases and various disorders are able to conquer new markets. Six banana cultivars (‘Maçã’, ‘BRS Tropical’, ‘BRS Conquista’, ‘Prata Anã’, ‘FHIA 18’ and ‘BRS Platina’) were evaluated in Norte Fluminense Region, Brazil under irrigated conditions. Following physical and chemical characteristics of the fruits were evaluated: fruit firmness (FF), epidermal colour of fruits (L*, C* and hue color angle), pH value, content of total soluble solids (TSS), and titratable acidity (TA). The ‘BRS Conquista’ together with the cultivar ‘Maç㒠had a shorter fruit length than ‘BRS Platina’. The cultivars evaluated in this study showed a fluctuation in the average pH value from 4.13 to 4.31. The mean values of TSS were in the range from 19.2 to 20.3% and did not show significant differences among cultivars. The cultivars did not differ either in the mean SS/TA ratio that was ranging from 34 to 46. Regarding the fruit firmness, obtained values of the ‘BRS Platina’ (4.72), ‘BRS Conquista’ (4.74) and ‘FHIA 18’ (4.80) were lower than those registered in ‘BRS Tropical’ (7.42) and the ‘Maç㒠(9.51).
Calenzani Petri, D.J., Brochado, R.L., de O. Pessanha, P.G., dos Santos, P.C., de Oliveira, A.V., de Oliveira, J.G. and de Carvalho, A.J.C. (2016). Fruit quality of banana cultivars grown in Norte Fluminense Region, Brazil. Acta Hortic. 1139, 695-700
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1139.119
Musa spp., postharvest, physical, chemical analyses, agronomic potential

Acta Horticulturae