Evaluation of some sweet cherry cultivars suitable for the north-east area of Romania
Evaluation of sweet cherry cultivars suitable for the northeastern Romania is of great significance for the fruit producers.
A national restructuring program for fruit tree production is ongoing in Romania and recommendation of new cultivars is especially important.
During 2012-2014 seven sweet cherry cultivars were studied: 'Cătălina', 'Mihailis', 'Bucium', 'Andreias', 'Margo', 'Alexus' and 'Boambe de Cotnari' (as a control). Some parameters related to phenological stages and some fruit characteristics such as diameter, weight, firmness, skin colour, resistance to cracking, and soluble solids content were determined.
The largest fruit size was obtained in 'Alexus' with 10.1 g in weight and 26.4 mm in diameter.
Skin colour of 'Margo' is yellow, 'Boambe de Cotnari' is bicolor, while 'Cătălina', 'Bucium', 'Mihailis', 'Andreias' and 'Alexus' are dark red. 'Cătălina' is the earliest ripening cultivar, 'Mihailis', 'Bucium', 'Andreias' and 'Alexus' are medium season cultivars, 'Boambe de Cotnari' is a medium to late season cultivar, while 'Margo' is a late season cultivar.
Corneanu, G., Sîrbu, S., Iurea, E. and Corneanu, M. (2016). Evaluation of some sweet cherry cultivars suitable for the north-east area of Romania. Acta Hortic. 1139, 143-146
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1139.25
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1139.25
Prunus avium L., phenology, fruit, ripening, quality