Fruit quality and productivity of apple cultivar 'Braeburn' depending on the training system

T. Arsov, M. Kiprijanovski, V. Gjamovski
The influence of four training systems (Slender Spindle, Northern Holland Spindle, Solax and ‘V’ system) on the productivity of the apple cultivar ‘Braeburn’ has been studied. The research was conducted at two experimental orchards located in Skopje and Resen during four consecutive years. The trees were grafted on ‘M9 T337’ rootstock. The planting distance for Slender Spindle and Solax was 4×1.5 m (1667 trees ha-1), while for Northern Holland Spindle and ‘V’ system it was 4×1 m (2500 trees ha-1). Following parameters were evaluated: yield tree-1, yield ha-1, yield efficiency, and fruit size. The results showed statistically significant differences between years, locations and training systems. Trees trained as Slender Spindle had the highest yield tree-1, whereas trees trained as ‘V’ system had the lowest yield. The Northern Holland Spindle was the most productive training system ha-1, while the Solax system had the lowest yield ha-1. The trees on Solax training system had the highest yield efficiency, while the lowest was observed on Slender Spindle system. The highest values for the fruit weight were obtained from Northern Holland Spindle, whereas the Solax training system gave the lowest values for fruit weight.
Arsov, T., Kiprijanovski, M. and Gjamovski, V. (2016). Fruit quality and productivity of apple cultivar 'Braeburn' depending on the training system. Acta Hortic. 1139, 509-512
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1139.87
Malus domestica, yield, yield efficiency, growing system

Acta Horticulturae