Instant bonsai: successfully rooting very woody grapevine cuttings©

N. Schramm
At the beginning of March, 2014, I was given access to some rather old grape vines that were going to be removed for road work on Highway 152 just west of Gilroy, California. After digging down for 2 ft. before finding any roots at all, I realized I would not be able to dig and move them by hand. I consulted with a friend who had been creating bonsai for many years and, with his advice, I decided to try rooting the picturesque growth at the tips of the vines that had been created by 40 years of pruning for wine grape production.
Schramm, N. (2016). Instant bonsai: successfully rooting very woody grapevine cuttings©. Acta Hortic. 1140, 175-176
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1140.36

Acta Horticulturae