Recent developments of vegetables protected cultivation in Turkey
Protected cultivation includes the production in the greenhouses and under low plastic tunnels.
Total area has reached 61,512.4 ha in 2013. Area under greenhouse is 74.4% of the total while the rest is occupied by low plastic tunnels (15,773.7 ha). Protected cultivation is mainly located on the south and west coasts of the country where the climatic conditions are favourable for protected cultivation without any additional heating.
However, in the last decade greenhouse production has moved to the inner part of Ege Region where the geothermal energy is available in order to use that alternative energy in greenhouses.
Therefore modern high tech greenhouses have increased in recent years.
The experience of Turkey in IPP, agricultural biodiversity and use of extensive farming systems has encouraged expanding of good agricultural practices either in high-tech or low-tech greenhouses.
This paper is aimed to summarize the recent situation of protected cultivation, changing in the use of technologies and improvements in sustainable production systems in Turkey.
Tuzel, Y. and Oztekin, G.B. (2016). Recent developments of vegetables protected cultivation in Turkey. Acta Hortic. 1142, 435-442
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1142.66
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1142.66
high-tech greenhouse, low-tech greenhouse, technology, geothermal energy