Development of logistics system model on vegetables agribusiness cluster using discrete event simulation

T. Perdana, S. Sanjaya
Effectiveness and efficiency of logistics management are indispensable to meet consumersRSQUO demands for agricultural products. The effectiveness of an agricultural logistics system can be enhanced by developing agricultural clusters. This article aims to investigate the performance of agricultural logistics system on an agricultural cluster and provides policy alternatives to improve the performance of the logistics system. The research was conducted in Pangalengan, which is one of the horticultural clusters in West Java, Indonesia. Discrete event simulation was used to assess the performance of supply chain system and to provide policy alternatives to improve the supply chain logistics system. The results indicated that the current logistics model for five commodities has been optimum, but not properly distributed yet. A well measured logistics system model will contribute to the accuracy of policy making, better logistics achievements and broadening farmerRSQUOs access to market.
Perdana, T. and Sanjaya, S. (2017). Development of logistics system model on vegetables agribusiness cluster using discrete event simulation. Acta Hortic. 1152, 101-108
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1152.14
agricultural logistics management, model of logistics system, vegetables, discrete event simulation, cluster

Acta Horticulturae