Genetic diversity and taxonomic aspects of wild carrot in France
If in France, genetic resources of cultivated carrot are well studied and preserved, the wild compartment of the species remains less known and underutilized, while there are many populations of wild carrot on the French territory.
Several collecting missions were undertaken from 2009 to 2014 to identify and collect populations, particularly in coastal areas, in continental France and Corsica.
More than a hundred populations were collected, with a good distribution throughout the territory, and twelve taxa were identified.
The status of these taxa is variable, with some very common and others underrepresented or restricted to a given area.
Morphological and molecular studies are developed in order to improve the knowledge of taxonomy and diversity.
The work confirms the specific interest of some populations and the taxonomic separation into 2 subgroups (i. e. grouping of several subspecies): subgr. carota and subgr. gummifer in Daucus carota L. The study conducted with microsatellite markers showed a high genetic differentiation between populations and a geographical structure between Mediterranean and Atlantic populations.
This study will allow developing a strategy for management of genetic resources and their valorisation in breeding.
Geoffriau, E., Reduron, J.-P., Chaput-Bardy, A., Maghraoui, M., Jourdan, M., Huet, S., Dubois-Laurent, C., Le Clerc, V., Peltier, D. and Briard, M. (2017). Genetic diversity and taxonomic aspects of wild carrot in France. Acta Hortic. 1153, 259-264
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1153.38
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1153.38
Daucus carota L., subsp. gummifer, subsp. maritimus, subsp. hispanicus, morphological diversity, genetic resources, taxonomy