In vitro organogenesis in Handroanthus serratifolius

A.C. Souza, R. Paiva, P.D.O. Paiva, M.V. Reis, D.P.C. Silva, P.A.A. Santos, L.C. Silva
Handroanthus serratifolius, an ornamental Brazilian native tree, is traditionally propagated by seeds, that present a seasonal production and a fast lost of the viability. Thus, the in vitro organogenesis might be an alternative for propagation. The objective of this work was to optimize the different stages for the micropropagation process of this species. Seeds were sterilized and the coat was removed. Then, the embryos were sterilized with sodium hypochlorite in different periods and inoculated in MS medium. After the germination, the shoots were separated and transferred to WPM medium with different concentrations of IBA. Then the plantlets were inoculated in a WPM medium supplemented with different concentrations of IAA. The in vitro shoot induction was performed using nodal segments in culture medium supplemented with BAP concentrations. Different IBA concentrations were used to induce adventitious rooting in shoots. Root formation occurred independently of the IBA concentrations. The acclimatization was effective presenting 100% of plant survival. Higher root formation was observed in 0.17 and 1.75 mg L-1 IAA concentration and shooting in medium with 0.45 mg L-1 BAP growth regulator.
Souza, A.C., Paiva, R., Paiva, P.D.O., Reis, M.V., Silva, D.P.C., Santos, P.A.A. and Silva, L.C. (2017). In vitro organogenesis in Handroanthus serratifolius. Acta Hortic. 1155, 177-184
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1155.25
auxins, in vitro cultivation, micropropagation, woody plants, WPM medium

Acta Horticulturae