The effects of low-level laser irradiation on growth of microshoots of blackberry
The aim of this research was to improve the micropropagation process for a selected cultivar of blackberry by the use of low-level infrared laser irradiation.
Low-level coherent infrared laser beams (wavelengths 850-930 nanometers) were used at various frequencies and exposures.
The in vitro culture was initiated through apical or axillary buds collected from selected mature donor plants in field.
Explants were cultivated in test tube and on Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium (MS) supplemented with benzylaminopurine (BAP; 1 mg L-1) and ascorbic acid (0.5 mg L-1). After 48-56 h from inoculation, the tubes were exposed to low-level infrared irradiation carried out once or on a daily basis for a week at a different frequency and exposure.
The plants exposed to irradiation several times did not differ from those exposed to it once only.
Optimal results were achieved by radiating at 2000-2500 Hz for 60-90 s.
The radiated plants began to open their buds 2-3 days earlier than the control plants, and after 20-30 days from irradiation the growth of the new shoots increased by about 30% more than the control ones.
The propagation rate resulted to be much higher in the plants exposed to laser; the number of microshoots arisen from irradiated buds was 50-70% more in comparison with the control.
Verulidze, G.R. and Surmanidze, D.D. (2017). The effects of low-level laser irradiation on growth of microshoots of blackberry. Acta Hortic. 1155, 257-260
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1155.37
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1155.37
apical and axillary bud culture, explant, infrared laser, micropropagation, Vaccinium corymbosum