Delizz®: development of a strawberry product concept for the consumer gift market

G.C.M. Bentvelsen, D. Souillat
Modern consumers are looking for convenience and at the same time like to enjoy delicious home grown strawberries. Many of the strawberry plants in a garden centre do not appeal to the imagination of the modern consumer due to a lack of characteristics which can be easily recognized by non-botanists. The easiest way to recognize a strawberry plant would be a plant with ripe strawberries on it. With this idea in mind, we developed a breeding program with special plant characteristics, a complete packaging line and a market strategy based on branding. Only recently the first All America Selections award (AAS) for a strawberry ever was granted to our total product concept Delizz®. With F1 strawberry Delizz® a whole new consumer group is reached, who never thought of growing strawberries at home.
Bentvelsen, G.C.M. and Souillat, D. (2017). Delizz®: development of a strawberry product concept for the consumer gift market. Acta Hortic. 1156, 889-894
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1156.131
strawberry, F1 hybrid, seeds, product concept, consumer gift market, branding

Acta Horticulturae