Cultivars developed in the strawberry breeding program of Fresas Nuevos Materiales S.A.

A. Refoyo, J.M. Arenas
Fresas Nuevos Materiales S.A., based in Huelva, Andalucía, Spain, was created in 1999 to breed strawberry cultivars adapted to this province and areas with similar climatic conditions. Every season we make around 110 crosses and plant about 10,000 seedlings; we select about 200 plants that are tested the next season as first-year selections. The first-year selections selected (about 10-15%) are tested in field trials the following season as second-year selections and the best of them (4-5) pass to the advanced selections trials. The cultivar 'Coral' was released in 2005. The cultivar 'Primoris Fnm' (short-day, early season) was registered in 2009 and is being cultivated in the Huelva area and in other European countries on more than 1200 ha. The cultivar 'Rabida Fnm' (short-day, early season) was registered in 2014 and is being cultivated on more than 860 ha. New selections with very good yield and good quality are being developed to be commercialized in the coming seasons. The selections 'A7-32-10', 'A8-30-2' and 'A10-48-3' (short-day) are in the registration process. Field trial results for agronomic traits and fruit quality for the 2014/15 seasons will be presented.
Refoyo, A. and Arenas, J.M. (2017). Cultivars developed in the strawberry breeding program of Fresas Nuevos Materiales S.A.. Acta Hortic. 1156, 145-150
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1156.21
advanced selections, cultivar, strawberry

Acta Horticulturae