Characterization of strawberry cultivars by SSR and CAPS markers

S. Günaydın, S. Kafkas
This study was performed to reveal the value of genetic relationship among 34 Turkish and foreign strawberry cultivars and genotypes using CAPS and SSR DNA molecular markers. Seventeen primer-enzyme combinations in CAPS and 12 SSR primer pairs in SSR analysis were used. In CAPS analysis, 60 bands were produced and 52 of them were polymorphic. In SSR analysis, 150 alleles were generated and 145 of them were polymorphic. In the analysis of combined CAPS and SSR data, genetic similarity ranged between 0.59 and 0.91. 'Call Giant-2' and 'Call Giant-3' (0.91) were the closest cultivars, while Genotype 8 and Call Giant-4 were the most distant genotypes. As a result, SSR was better than CAPS from the point of view of polymorphism rates and polymorphism information contents, whereas CAPS was better than SSR from the point of view of resolving power values, in the characterization of strawberry cultivars and genotypes. The result of this study may allow us to design a cultivar breeding program in strawberry.
Günaydın, S. and Kafkas, S. (2017). Characterization of strawberry cultivars by SSR and CAPS markers. Acta Hortic. 1156, 171-178
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1156.25
genetic diversity, Fragaria, simple sequence repeats, dendrogram

Acta Horticulturae